Indexes to New York City vital records are available through the Vitalsearch Company (for a fee), and for free on the websites of the Italian Genealogical Group and the German Genealogy Group.

The DOH indexes do not include vital events in New York City and in the former city of Brooklyn for any period.The State Archives also holds an index to “delayed” birth certificates filed for some births occurring prior to 1881, mostly in the 1870s.Data elements include year/date of death, decedent name, gender, residence code, and state file number. These datasets start in 1957 and are posted after 50 years. The data in the indexes is not available in electronic format, except for death indexes made available for download from the State Department of Health.Indexes for certain years are arranged by SOUNDEX codes. An index entry states only the name of the person, date and place of event, and State certificate number.Birth indexes have been made available through 1937 only. Birth indexes are made available after 75 years, marriage and death indexes after 50 years.The indexes cover the entire state outside of New York City and start in June 1880 (deaths) or 1881 (marriages and births).